Lost and Found Race: A Gravel Adventure with Bacon-Wrapped Pickles and Dental Floss

 Are you ready to embark on a gravel racing journey that will tickle your funny bone and leave you craving bacon-wrapped pickles? Join us as we dive into the wild world of the "Lost and Found" race, an unforgettable 100-mile gravel extravaganza in the heart of the Lost Sierras.

Picture this: a small town called Portola, nestled in the majestic Lost Sierras, becomes the epicenter of cycling chaos as 2,000 riders descend upon it for the Lost and Found race. The locals, with their unwavering patience and accommodating nature, welcome this influx of visitors, doubling the town's population for the race weekend. It's a true testament to the power of cycling camaraderie and the spirit of adventure.
The race kicks off with a challenging 9-mile climb, mostly on asphalt, setting the tone for the adventure that lies ahead. As the riders transition onto logging and forest service roads, they are greeted by stunning vistas and fields adorned with miles of native flowers in full bloom. It's like cycling through a picturesque painting, if paintings were made of sweat, gears, and the occasional bear sighting.
Ah, the bears! These furry locals, enticed by the tempting treats tossed by passersby, have become roadside celebrities. Don't worry, they're generally friendly, but it's best not to interrupt their snacking sessions. While you pedal past Lake Davis in the first 20 miles, keep an eye out for these photogenic critters, but don't be tempted to offer them dental floss – they prefer a different kind of cuisine!
Speaking of dental floss, the aid stations along the route are a delightful surprise. Manned by enthusiastic volunteers and bike techs, they provide much-needed sustenance and entertainment. And yes, at one aid station, you can even indulge in the unique combination of bacon-wrapped pickles. It's the kind of culinary creation that you never knew you needed until you're deep into a gravel race and craving something strangely delicious.

Our brave rider, let's call them the "Extraterrestrial Alien," decided to tackle this gravel adventure with the goal of finishing by 5 PM, allowing them to savor the ride at a casual pace. With an average speed of 13 mph, they had ample time to enjoy the aid stations and engage in some hilarious banter with the volunteers. The dental floss jokes became a tradition, leaving the station crews scrambling for supplies, ready to cater to every rider's oral hygiene needs.
As the miles rolled by, the atmosphere grew livelier. Riders formed bonds and shared laughs, reveling in the unique culture of gravel racing for fun. Our brave alien found themselves in the top 20 of their age group(14 finished) and even snagged 2nd place in the "ET" category. It turns out that embracing one's inner extraterrestrial has its perks!
However, not all was smooth sailing. The final 8-mile downhill section presented a hair-raising challenge, shaking teeth and eyeballs alike. Our alien wisely chose to navigate the gnarly chunk rock with caution, prioritizing a smooth ride over potential tire mishaps. Who needs a dental floss emergency after conquering such an epic race, right?
In the end, our hero crossed the finish line unscathed, without any mechanical hiccups on their trusty Ridley Kanzo Speed bike. The combination of a successful finish and a dash of intergalactic humor made for a truly memorable experience.
As you venture out onto the trails and roads, dear reader, always keep your dental floss handy. You never know when the need for oral hygiene or a quirky joke may arise. The Lost and Found race will forever remain a beacon of gravel racing done right – where the camaraderie, bacon-wrapped pickles, and the occasional bear encounter create an unforgettable journey.
So, hop on your bike, embrace the gravel vibe, and remember to savor the adventure. And who knows, maybe you'll stumble upon an extraterrestrial alien or a dental floss enthusiast along the way. Happy riding and may your gravel adventures be filled with laughter, bacon-wrapped surprises, and just the right amount of offbeat charm.
